SAB Elections


Staff Advisory Board members are nominated (or self-nominated) and elected at-large annually during spring quarter from the Staff Assembly (UCSC non-represented staff employees) with the goal of achieving membership, which reflects the diversity of the campus population.

2019 voting is now Open!  Votes due by Friday 17th May.

Eligible SAB members include all non-exclusively represented career staff employees that have completed probation.

Nominees to the SAB are strongly encouraged to have their supervisor’s approval and support.


The general time commitment to the SAB is as follows. SAB meets monthly as an internal assembly for approximately 90 minutes once each month from September to June.  The SAB holds one full day orientation / retreat, typically in August of each year.  The SAB typically hosts 2 Chancellor’s forums each year, one in the fall and one in winter or spring. Some years SAB may also host a budget forum, which you may be asked to attend. The SAB also hosts the annual Staff Appreciation Picnic each Spring. SAB members are asked to donate* at least half a day to this event. SAB members are expected to attend all of these events.

SAB Sub committees* see also: Campus Committees and SAB Committees

SAB members both host and are invited to sit on a number of campus and system wide committees. Each member can expect to sit on at least two sub committees each year in addition to his/her primary commitment. The time commitment to these committees can range from seasonal to weekly.  Generally speaking, SAB members can expect to spend between 2 and 5 hours per week on sub committee work depending on the committee. 

* Sub committee (and SAB event) time in some cases is supported by release time. Most often sub committee commitments must be compensated with exchange time. If you have to do committee work during your regular work hours, you can make up the time evenings or weekends provided your work requirements and supervisor are in agreement. In other cases, you may have to use your personal vacation time to support an event.